Last week I was on holiday in north Devon. Over the week, we saw approximately 20 minutes of sunshine. But it didn’t rain all week. For a couple of hours it was just very overcast.
But we still had a great time, and probably got out and about and visited more of the area than just the beaches as a result. We had to adapt our plans and make the most of what we could.
Your marketing plans also need to be adaptable. There is no point in doing the same things you have always done, especially in the very different world the pandemic has left us with. You need to constantly review your marketing to ensure your strategy is the right way to achieve what you want.
I can help develop that marketing strategy and propose new ideas to make the most of the different environment we are all living in. I can then implement that strategy to ensure your business makes hay while the sun shines, but also when it’s pissing down!