Print still has a place in your marketing mix

On this day in 1477, William Caxton printed the first ever English book. And today, 544 years later, print still has a place in your marketing mix.

And this is the crucial thing. Your marketing should be a mix. Digital has its place, as do live events and promotions. But sometimes, achieving what you want may be best done through print and can even be a cheaper way to get your message to your customers as well.

I am currently working on the Winter issue of Televisual Magazine, which goes to press next Friday. This issue will be 148 pages and thousands of subscribers will be waiting in anticipation for the magazine to land on their doormats. This is something that can’t be replicated online.

So, if you, or anyone you know, would like to discuss how they can create an effective mix of marketing communications and make the most of their marketing budget, get in touch.

Print still has a place in the marketing mix