TRUESAVINGS Website & Branding


As a UW Partner, TRUESAVINGS had a need to create its own identity, supported by a strong website offering.


Initially the brand identity was strengthened using consistent colours as well as introducing the three dots icon to symbolise the combining of utility services. The dots were continued through all graphical elements. The brand was also supported by a new strapline “Saving you money, saving you time, saving our planet.” Previously, traffic was pushed towards the UW website for details on the offering. A new website was created to detail all the offerings, ensuring any visitors remained within the TRUESAVINGS website for all information. In all areas the visitor was encouraged to contact TRUESAVINGS direct for any further details.


Following the launch of the website a news & views section was also added, giving useful tips on saving money and time. These articles were supported by social media posts, driving more traffic to the website. The website can be viewed here.

TRUESAVINGS website TRUESAVINGS websiteTrueSavings Website TrueSavings Website TrueSavings Website